A set of six canvas's depicting stories and characters from the Commedia Dell'Arte.
Each canvas in three sections; the middle section illustrating the narrative of the story whilst the top and bottom sections depicting landscapes which compliment the chronicle.
Oil on Canvas, restored, relined and on new stretchers.
The Commedia dell’Arte was an Italian theatrical form which prospered throughout Italy and then Europe from the 15th century. Performances were based on a simple familiar story with improvised dialogue, usually centring on young lovers or 'innomorati' whose romance is being thwarted by their elders 'vecchi'. The lovers seek help from servants 'zanni' who bring the play to a happy conclusion. The commedia used masks and costumes to develop stock characters which became archetypal of many of the most famous characters of 17th and 18th century European theatre, for example
Pantalone the Venetian merchant or Arlecchino (Harlequin) the acrobat and his multicoloured clothes. Although the central un-masked lovers wore simple costumes, the rest of the cast would be clothed and masked with elaborate colours and outfits making them instantly recognisable in their character role.
HEIGHT: 150 cm (59") WIDTH: 55 cm (21½")
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